Conference Aim
The E&PDE conference will bring together representatives from education and industry who have an interest in developing new approaches and directions in design education. The conference will provide a forum for educators and researchers from product development, engineering and industrial design, together with industry and government representatives to discuss current educational issues and to identify new approaches, new challenges and new directions for development. This is reflected in this year's conference theme, ‘Creating a Better World'.
‘Creating a Better World’ is intended to reflect the increasing emphasis on design in commerce and in education, and in particular the importance of design in addressing such issues as sustainability, old-age and inclusiveness, etc. We encourage varied interpretations of the phrase ‘better world’ – for example from the point of view of different organisations, disciplines, cultures and communities.
Ideas that might be explored include:
What are the special needs of the disabled and the elderly? What can we learn from design education practice in different cultures? How can we create a more sustainable way of life? How will technology support design education in the future? How will the academic/industrial interface develop?
These ideas will be explored in the following conference topics:
- Collaborative design
- Creative partnerships
- Socially relevant design
- Design and emotion
- Inclusive design
- Creativity in education
- Rapid product development
- New pedagogic paradigms
- Student centred learning
- Evaluation and assessment
- Reflective learning
- Social networking in education
- Learning spaces
- Transformative learning
- Who are the designers?
- Education cultures
- Social learning
- Sustainable design
In keeping with the inclusive ethos of the E&PDE conference other stream proposals are
welcomed. It is also envisaged that participation in the conference may take a number of forms:
- Paper and Poster Presentations
- Round table discussions
- Exhibitions
- Workshops