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The submission of full papers is due on Monday 24th February 2025 Midnight GMT

Submission and acceptance of the abstract are required to submit a full paper. Submit to the conference submission portal conftool.

The 27th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education will be hosted at:

The University of Malta, Valletta Campus, on the 11th and 12th September 2025; with pre-conference workshops and events on the 10th September 2025.

The E&PDE 2025 theme is Fostering Human-Centred Products and Services Design (OUTPACE)

As smart products continue to evolve, requiring integrated services to support them, engineering design education must accelerate to keep pace. E&PDE 2025 conference is dedicated to ensuring that engineering students are well-prepared to meet the demands of the modern industry.  

The conference is organised in partnership with the Design Education Special Interest Group (DESIG) of the Design Society and the Institution of Engineering Designers (IED).

The E&PDE 2025 conference will bring together representatives from education and industry who have an interest in sharing new perspectives on design education. It will provide a forum for educators, practitioners and students from engineering and product design fields to discuss current and future educational issues. Professionals and students from other disciplines are also invited to contribute and participate. 

We will continue the Visual Papers track, inviting papers with high visual content and less text.