Call for contributions! Preconference Seminar: Women in Design Research (WONDER)
Seminar: Women in Design Research (WONDER) Gender, design and market
Wednesdeay, September 06, 09.00-16.00
Call for contributions
The WONDER seminar will take place the 6th of September in connection with the E&PDE conference September 7th to 8th, which will have participants from all over the world. It will constitute a great chance to bring our discourse into an international setting. The theme of the seminar will be Gender, design and market.
Topics for contribution might cover:
Products semantics and features of the feminine / masculine
Gender in the market
Branding gender
And others
Abstracts of 300-500 words should be submitted by June 1. Message of acceptance or not will be sent by June 30. Please send by e-mail to Accepted contributions will be presented at the seminar by the authors as ppt or otherwise oral presentation: Please find preliminary schedule below. Accepted contributions will not be automatically published, but we encourage to have them published in relevant journals, like Sustainable Development or Formakademisk
Organizers: Nina Bjørnstad, Martina Keitsch, Wenche Lyche, Nina Lysbakken, Astrid Skjerven
Preliminary schedule
9.00 – 9.15 Introduction to seminar and Wonder ( Prof. Astrid Skjerven)
9.15 – 10.00 2-3 Presentations on above ( 15 min each)
10.00 – 10.15 Break
10.15 – 12.00 Discussion within groups
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch break
13.00 – 14.15 Presentations
14.15 – 14.30 Break
14.30 -15.15 Presentations
15.15-16.00 Discussion and Conclusion
You will be asked to choose which Workshop you wish to attend when you enrol for the conference at conftool. Before you select a workshop, please make sure your flights/transport will allow you to arrive for the starting time of 2.30 p.m. as the numbers on the workshops are limited and it is preferable, where possible, to have full attendance. If you are not able to arrive in time to attend a workshop please select ‘Not attending workshop’
Workshop 1: Cultural sensitivity in Design Education
Wednesdeay, September 06, 14:30 – 17:30, Pilestredet 46, rom 311
Annemiek van Boeijen, Chen Hao and Marieke Sonneveld
Goal of the workshop
Goal is to make participants aware of the cultural backgrounds of (international) students and tutors, and to reflect on how this influences design education. The workshop concludes with insights that emerge from the workshop on how to deal with cultural diversity, how it can enrich design education. These insights will be shared in a playful way (manifesto) with the other EPDE delegates.
Background and motivation
In today’s globalizing world an increasing number of design educators and design students study and work alternatively in various places all over the world. In their encounters with other design educators and students they are faced with the challenges and opportunities of diverse cultural backgrounds, for example, with other frames of references about what design is and how design should be educated.
From our own practice as tutors from different cultural backgrounds, and working in an environment with great cultural diversity, we encountered challenges as well as unexpected enriching experiences. We believe that becoming aware of the effect of cultural diversity, and how we react to it, is an important step in making cultural diversity the rich asset many Universities claim it is.
This insight became, among others, a starting point for workshops on culture and design we organize worldwide in design education.
Set up of the workshop
The workshop will be a mix of information sharing and a generative session with a series of cultural theory based design tools in which we explore the (cultural) context of the participants, their experiences, and based on these examples we will work towards a shared insight and suggestions for design education to be sensitive to cultural diversity.
Practical issues
Time: Wednesday afternoon, max 3 hrs.
Participants: max. 20
Location: Room where we can present (projector) and where people can work in small groups.
Materials: Flip over paper and markers, tape.
No additional materials needed from the participants.
Workshop 2: Misconceptions in product communication
Wednesdeay, September 06, 14:30 – 17:30, Pilestredet 46, rom 314
Emilene Zitkus and Nenad Pavel
Goal of the workshop
The goal is to make participants (design students, practitioners and lecturers) familiar with the agency of representations of product values and functionality through user instructions and promotion on one hand, and design of products and the digital services on the other. The workshop will explore the use and understanding of product and digital designs in a playful context, with design briefing and concept generation activities. Design tools and methods will be presented to support the design activity. It concludes with insights that emerge from the workshop on good design practice. These insights will be shared with all the participants.
Background and motivation
The workshop will be part of two research projects: one that investigates cognitive learning processes and the other exploring patterns of human machine interaction. The aim is to explore common difficulties faced by users and how these difficulties can be offset through inclusive design and learning theories.
Based in the current replacement of mechanical features to digital features, this project investigates the impact of design representation on people’s learning ability in context of the product use. Three aspects have been considered: path misconceptions, misleading icons and cognitive models. All together helps to understand HCI and to map mental models of interactions among users.
Set up of the workshop
The participants will be divided into small groups and the workshop will be divided into two parts. In the first half a product or service will be presented to each group so that they can explore its use and understand its functionality and its value. In the second half, they will be requested to redesign the product. Several user-centred design tools and methods will be presented to the participants in order to help the redesign activity. Good design practice will be discussed with the participants as the groups present their designs.
Practical issues
Time: Wednesday afternoon, max 3 hrs.
Participants: max. 20
Location: Room where we can present (projector) and where people can work in groups of 5 people.
Materials: Flip over paper and markers, existing products, projector/screen .
No additional materials needed from the participants.